HOW A COUNTRY DECAYS:::::::By Lal Narang:::::July 13 2012
Every morning I wake to the world around me getting alittle more darker. I am afraid to pick up the morning news paper ......afraid to discover fading of hopes and traces of optimism, foolishly nurtured over a period of time......When you suddenly find the front page informing you that 33% of the country's M.L.Ac ans M.Ps are facing Criminal cases for heinous crimes like Rapes,Murders,Attempts to murder,Kidnapping,dacoity,thef t a cold shiver runs down your spine.
The percentage of tainted votes 70% in Jharkhand,58% in Bihar and 51% in Maharashtra tell their own tale. Rajas and Kalmadis are waiting in the wings for being absolved for their proven guilt...and they will walk free...
These public servants elected by us are repaying their gratutude to you in their own ways.
They will be a part of the Government and decide about the governance of the country, making laws, deciding economical policies,education system,and health care.
In a day we are given the emerging picture of what direction the country is taking .......
In a rehabilitation centre for the orphans and unfortunates the inmates are raped every day by the outsiders for years and the authorities never hear their cries for help The people running such houses do not belong to the human race - they belong to the category of animals.
Then another news hammers in- The village Panchayat just 50 kms from the Capital has passed a diktat the no woman under 40 years will go to the market place and will not use cell phones and will have her head covered. This panchayat also passed a diktat agains love marriage and such act will result in total boycott of the couple and they will be kept out of the village.
The daily reported atrocities against the girls and women fill the columns of news papers and media.
The state is slipping in the Barbarian State. Every issue of national importance is twisted on the basis of caste, religion,language, and deprives the majority of its people getting good education, proper jobs and lively hood. The brilliant minds have no doors open to them...till the favourites are awarded how ever unqualified or under qualified they may be.
Presently the country has reached such pathetic state can be attributed to rogue elements who have taken the control of the country by their muscle and money power,And the regime has no guts to oppose them of fight them as they themselves are responsible to create such Bhasmasur...
It is up to people who are the victims to wage a collective fight against the mis-rule and the people who are responsible for it-----
There is no alternative....Better to fight and be killed than to decay and fade.
Every morning I wake to the world around me getting alittle more darker. I am afraid to pick up the morning news paper ......afraid to discover fading of hopes and traces of optimism, foolishly nurtured over a period of time......When you suddenly find the front page informing you that 33% of the country's M.L.Ac ans M.Ps are facing Criminal cases for heinous crimes like Rapes,Murders,Attempts to murder,Kidnapping,dacoity,thef
The percentage of tainted votes 70% in Jharkhand,58% in Bihar and 51% in Maharashtra tell their own tale. Rajas and Kalmadis are waiting in the wings for being absolved for their proven guilt...and they will walk free...
These public servants elected by us are repaying their gratutude to you in their own ways.
They will be a part of the Government and decide about the governance of the country, making laws, deciding economical policies,education system,and health care.
In a day we are given the emerging picture of what direction the country is taking .......
In a rehabilitation centre for the orphans and unfortunates the inmates are raped every day by the outsiders for years and the authorities never hear their cries for help The people running such houses do not belong to the human race - they belong to the category of animals.
Then another news hammers in- The village Panchayat just 50 kms from the Capital has passed a diktat the no woman under 40 years will go to the market place and will not use cell phones and will have her head covered. This panchayat also passed a diktat agains love marriage and such act will result in total boycott of the couple and they will be kept out of the village.
The daily reported atrocities against the girls and women fill the columns of news papers and media.
The state is slipping in the Barbarian State. Every issue of national importance is twisted on the basis of caste, religion,language, and deprives the majority of its people getting good education, proper jobs and lively hood. The brilliant minds have no doors open to them...till the favourites are awarded how ever unqualified or under qualified they may be.
Presently the country has reached such pathetic state can be attributed to rogue elements who have taken the control of the country by their muscle and money power,And the regime has no guts to oppose them of fight them as they themselves are responsible to create such Bhasmasur...
It is up to people who are the victims to wage a collective fight against the mis-rule and the people who are responsible for it-----
There is no alternative....Better to fight and be killed than to decay and fade.
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